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Michael Petersen


About me
I founded Raise a Hood, and thank you for joining our community! At the core, RaH is about bringing the massive car repair industry into the modern era and reducing prices to consumers; we do that by creating disintermediation in current business models and adopting the benefits of the gig economy.

Let’s face it; we love our vehicles; for some, they are a deep passion, and for others, they are our under-appreciated tool for commutes, school, kids’ activities, and even family adventures. But we all equally disdain car maintenance and repair, the business model has not changed for 100 years. In fact, it may be worse, with more layers of marketing, upsells, and incentive-based service advisors driving the prices ever higher. It’s a $200B sector in the US and the largest profit pool in virtually every dealership.

If you do want some quick advice, try calling a shop: “Bring it in, and we’ll take a look.” You are back in the same antiquated model from the 1920’s. Go online, and you’ll find influencers and blogging amateurs, but very few with actual expertise. Who can you trust? Healthcare has WebMD and telemedicine. Why can’t we have the same for our car?

I’ve dedicated my life to automotive engineering and high-tech disruptors. I recognized there is a better way, and we can radically improve this terrible service model. That’s why we created Raise a Hood; it’s fundamentally different as our mission is simple: to substantially reduce the cost of car maintenance for everyone.

Thanks again for joining our community, and I hope our team of world-class mechanics, AI experts, and a few non-conforming rebels can help you fix your problem. We’re deeply honored to earn your trust.
More about me
Favorite current car: BMW E38 (2000 740i "Short Sporty")
The one car I regret selling:
Honda S2000
  • Mountain Biking, Skiing, Rebuilding Flat 6 engines to make them faster
Current State:
  • Minnesota